Ramadan Case: Buy a Car for a Refugee Family of 8

About Ramadan Case: Buy a Car for a Refugee Family of 8

Imagine spending four hours each day commuting to and from work, just to provide for your family. This is the reality for a refugee father who arrived in August 2023 with his family of 8. Despite his determination to support his loved ones, his efforts are hindered by one significant obstacle: transportation.

Currently, the father works part-time at Walmart, utilizing public transportation for his daily commute. However, the lengthy travel time is taking a toll on him, leaving him exhausted and unable to dedicate more hours to work or explore better job opportunities.

Without access to a reliable vehicle, this family is trapped in a cycle of limited income and opportunity. Financial stability is impossible without adequate transportation, and this car is the key to unlocking their potential.

By donating to our campaign, you can make a direct impact on the lives of this refugee family. Your contribution will provide them with the means to secure better employment, increase their income, and ultimately achieve financial independence.

Every dollar counts towards purchasing a car that will transform this family's future. Let's come together as a community to empower them with the freedom and opportunity they deserve. Donate now and help us drive change in their lives.