Ramadan Case: Sarah's Journey, Rebuilding Hope After Domestic Violence

About Ramadan Case: Sarah's Journey, Rebuilding Hope After Domestic Violence

Stand in solidarity with Sarah, a resilient mother battling the aftermath of domestic violence. Your donations will directly fund essential medical care for Sarah's physical and emotional recovery, ensuring access to necessary surgical procedures and therapy for her and her three children. Additionally, your support will provide stability for their family, covering rent and daily household expenses, and preventing their entry into the foster care system. Together, we can offer them a haven filled with love, healing, and promise. Your generosity becomes their beacon of hope, guiding them toward a brighter future. Donate today to rewrite their narrative of pain into one of resilience, strength, and hope. Zakat eligible campaign. #HealingForSarah #FamilyResilience #BreakTheSilence #DonateForHope